This chapter presents background and related work related to the research topic. It begins with an overview of source code comprehension, focusing on two relevant aspects: readability and expertise. Then a considerable amount of literature is given on the role of expertise. These studies discuss the developers’ behaviors during multiple programming activities corresponding to their expertise level and look into how authors have measured the expertise in various ways. The last section gives an overview of using eye-tracking technology in software engineering research.
Software is any set of machine-readable instruction that directs a computer processor to perfo...
ABSTRACT: Early childhood education (ECE) significantly influences the dev...
The necessity to improve the plight of the physically challenged in Enugu State gave rise to t...
Abstract: This research explores the impact of flexibility in adult education programs. The study aimed to investigate how flexible learning s...
This research is on an issue which is of great importance to the Nigeria economy, it is on the Nigeria money ma...
ABSTRACT: This study examines the role of early childhood education (ECE)...
Before the emergence of modern banking system, banking operation was manually done which lead to a slowdown in...
The focus of this study revolves around independent geologic field mapping of the igar...
The interim national government headed by chief Earnest Shonekan popularly known as “ING” was a child of circumstanc...
The main objective for embarking on this study was to examine informal micro financing and small scale business...